northern va newborn photographer


As of today, I'm 39 weeks and ready to meet our lil' lady. : )  And I am seriously LOVIN' all of the blooms in and around our neighborhood recently. Everything is just so incredibly gorgeous. On another note, this might well be my last blog update for a good while (!!!!!), as I'm officially going to be on maternity leave for ~6 weeks very soon (let's hope!). So I just wanted to give y'all a heads up: if you contact me about your wedding or a session here on the blog or via my portfolio site, I'm not ignoring you!... I'll most likely be snuggling or feeding or changing our newborn babe or trying to catch winks of sleep in the in-between time. Thanks for your patience, and I can't wait to introduce y'all to the wee one! Get ready for some over-sharing. ; )
