
Brooklyn // Highlights (1 year to 18 months)

Today, I am 37 weeks pregnant and let me just start with this: I'm feeling all the feelings. Whenever I prep posts about our little girl, I get so overwhelmed because I have so much to say and can never find the right words. She brings us so much joy, and I'm in constant awe of the person she is becoming. I cherish the time spent one-on-one with her, and I'm feeling more and more nostalgic that we won't be a little family of three ever again (six if you count our pups!). Don't misunderstand: I am beyond thrilled to meet our little boy soon. However, I know it'll be an adjustment period for all of us, and I just hope that it goes as smoothly as possible, especially for our little lady who is used to having our undivided attention. : )

Among the many park trips and wagon rides around the neighborhood, there are highlights galore from her life spanning one year to ~18 months. Here are a few of my favorites:

-We saw an Orioles game (my first time at Camden Yards - gorgeous ballpark!).
-I took her to Butlers Orchard to play in the flower field.
-Over the summer, we frequented the local water park because this child LOVES ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE WATER.
-We visited the local county fair to see animals and show her the rides (still a bit too young to participate!).
-We flew across country to visit Ryan's brother and brother's fiancée, who lived in Carlsbad, CA at the time. Such a fun family trip!
-Even though we're still Atlanta Braves fans, we took her to another Nationals game. ; )
-Brooklyn got to see her cousins (my brother's kids) during a quick visit on their way back home from vacation.
-We visited our alma mater (UNC) and got to see close friends who live in the area.
-Brooklyn's Mimi and Pappy visited from North Carolina for little man's shower.
-We visited the pumpkin patch a couple of times!
-Brooklyn dressed up as the cutest little cow for Halloween.

I have to start with my absolute favorite photo from our family trip to California. We were in the middle of walking around the San Diego Botanic Garden on an extreeemely hot day and stopped to take a break on a bench in the shade. Being the very active and inquisitive toddler she is, Brooklyn rarely looks straight into my lens anymore. I'm usually chasing her to get "the shot." So, this moment is a unique gem.

I have to pour my heart out to my husband here for a minute. Ryan is the most exceptional Dad to Brooklyn, and I treasure the bond they share. During the week, he gets her out of bed every morning, spends quality time with her before he has to go to work and races home (quite literally, I'm afraid) to do her bath routine every evening. I know he's exhausted 99% of the time but he doesn't show it. He cares for her in a way that makes me love him on a whole different level than before. AND he finds the time to rub my swollen, pregnant ankles and give me "time off" when I need it. Needless to say, I love these two with all of my heart and I'm so grateful for the day-to-day happiness they bring me. I thank the universe every day for my good fortune; I struck the family lottery! My heart can only grow with love from this moment forward. Heart eyes emoji. 

Brooklyn // First Birthday

Brooklyn just turned 18 months old so these are better late than never, right? :) I wanted to post a few photos of Brooklyn's first birthday party last May because it was a big success! The theme was flowers, and we celebrated our little "May flower" at our home. We're so thankful for the family and friends that could make it special for her. (Special shout out to my brother-in-law, Alden, who took photos for us while Brooklyn was opening her presents. We're ever-so-grateful!)

I also wanted to include a few photos of her actual birthday, which was during the week. We took her out to lunch with family and to our neighborhood playground - pretty much a toddler's dream.

Brooklyn // Pumpkin Patch

A couple of weeks ago, I took Brooklyn to Butler's Orchard to pick a couple of small pumpkins for our front stoop. She LOVED it, and I loved watching her frolic around the patch. The weather was perfect - sunny and temperate - and after picking pumpkins, we sat under a tree and ate blueberries together. The morning will forever be embedded in my heart.

As time gets closer to the birth of our second child, I am having such mixed emotions. I cannot wait to meet our little man and bond and grow our family. I know my heart will expand tenfold. On the other hand, I'm getting a little weepy that it won't be just Brooklyn and me anymore. When the hubs is at work during the week, we've become each others' side kicks, and I'm doubtful that I'm ready to start dividing my attention. So even though I'm getting more and more tired as the third trimester progresses, I'm trying really hard to make these moments count and soak up all her loveliness and charm. Here's to filling up the memory bank with my original muse.

2014: A Personal Reflection

Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0001 There she is -- all seven pounds, 13 ounces of her. On her first day of life. Let's be completely transparent for a minute: this post will pretty much be ENTIRELY about the life of our sweet daughter, Brooklyn, who was born last May. In my opinion, pregnancy, birth & raising a child is the most rewarding and most difficult/time-consuming thing there is. All mamas probably would agree. So the hubs and I didn't "do" as much as we normally would in any other given year, but we "did" something pretty important. ; ) Life with Brooklyn has been a beautifully chaotic, imperfect journey. Before she was born, I received so much thoughtful advice from all the moms in my life (and I'm so thankful for it and them), but no one can ever really prepare you for motherhood. It is messy at times and leaves you in awe most of the time. There is no instruction manual and you're really just forced to embrace it all at once. And it's a lot easier if you do so with humility and grace (hindsight is a beautiful thing, am I right?). I read a quote this morning by Kristin Armstrong about transitions. Modifying it a little bit, I think it portrays the transition into motherhood pretty perfectly: "Times of transitions are strenuous, but I love them. They are an opportunity … to rethink priorities and be intentional ... We can make our new normal any way we want." I'm so happy and thankful that our darling girl makes our new normal. Now, before I launch into the multitude of photos of our firecracker that I've yet to share, I do want to point out some of our other pre-Brooklyn highlights of 2014...

Three amazing groups of people threw baby showers for us in North Carolina and Maryland and their generosity and love will NEVER be forgotten:


(My friend Anne-Laure snapped this of me at my baby shower in my hometown and I think my face is hysterical. Thanks AL!)


WE BOUGHT OUR FIRST HOME!!! (excuse the quality - iPhone pic!)


I got to see some of my most favorite people all in one place in early January (let's keep those reunions going, ladies!):


We saw our favorite band, The Avett Brothers, in concert, I learned how to knit and did a couple DIY projects for baby girl and we got snowed in a few times (all iPhone - I got lazy during my last months of pregnancy!):


Ryan got sworn in to the D.C. Bar (again with the iPhone, haha); SO PROUD OF HIM!


We went on our babymoon to NYC (where we fell in love) and had our maternity photos taken at 28 weeks by my talented friend, Kate Lord:


And leading up to Brooklyn's due date, the hubs and I took LOTS of walks and he snapped a few photos of me at 37 weeks...


...and 39 weeks:


And then two weeks later, our lives changed forever!


My parents surprised me IN THE HOSPITAL by driving up for B's birth. I was so touched!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0003Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0004Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0005Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0006Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0007Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0008Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0009Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0010Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0011Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0012

I took some newborn photos of B at seven days old:Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0013Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0014Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0015Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0016Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0017Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0018Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0019

This one is my absolute favorite: Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0020Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0021Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0022Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0023Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0024Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0025Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0026

She spent a lot of the first couple months sleeping like this:Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0027Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0028Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0029Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0030

Grandpa and Nanny (Ryan's parents) live nearby and we're so glad for that!


We celebrated our third wedding anniversary by going out to lunch. This photo was taken right before we left her for the first time!


We're fortunate to have really good friends nearby. This is Eleanor!


And more good friends -- this is John!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0040

Happy 30th Birthday, DaDa!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0041Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0042Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0043Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0044

We went on a mini-vacation with my parents, uncles and brother's family to Virginia Beach in mid-July when B got to meet her cousins for the first time!


More play dates with Eleanor! : )Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0060Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0061Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0062

And more! :)))Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0063

Aunt Karson visiting before heading back to Florida. *tear*Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0064Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0065Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0066Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0067Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0068Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0069

Starting to get good at rolling over... Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0070Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0071

Apple pickin'!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0072Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0073

First baseball game (Braves vs. Nationals)!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0074Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0075Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0076


Meeting Noah for the first time when Anne-Laure and Dallas were in the US for a visit. Brooklyn LOVED Noah.


These photos at the Old Well make my heart melt.Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0085Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0086

Meeting Uncle Alden for the first time...!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0087Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0088Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0089

Meeting Mary for the first time!Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0090Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0091Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0092

Catching up with her good pal Harrison. : )Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0093

Hanging with her bestie, Ava. Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0094Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0095

We went to Sunset Beach and Wilmington, North Carolina in mid-October. Such a special first vacation.


Halloween! Shepherd and little lamb. : )


We started the high chair and she loves being a big girl.Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0112


Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0113Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0114Washington-DC-family-photographer-brooklyn_0115 Mimi and Pappy's house!


Our little lady turned eight months old yesterday. These photos bring her up to about 6.5 months. "The days are long but the months are short" -- TRUTH. My heart is so full.